
Why Choose CSD Academy ?
The First Academy #1 in Malaysia that provides Dual Certification Programme
Graduates who complete Advanced Diploma in Interior Design course in CSD Academy will be awarded with USA International Advanced Diploma certificate issued by GULL American University and Malaysian Skills Certificate issued by Malaysia Ministry of Human Resources
Programme with USA International Certification Awarded
Graduates who complete Professional course in CSD Academy will be awarded with USA International certificate issued by GULL American University. Certification awarded has International and Malaysian endorsement.
No Minimum Academic Requirement
To provide wider learning opportunities to anyone who is enthusiastic in learning interior design and becoming a profession
Bilingual Teaching
Switching between two languages easily helps students develop their literacy skills, as well as their verbal intelligence and social skills. In an interconnected and rapidly changing world, there is an increased demand for a multilingual workforce, and the ability to conduct business in more than one language is becoming more critical. Bilingual people frequently hold higher positions and earn higher wages than their monolingual counterparts in the same industry
On-the-Job Guidance and Coaching
To provide guidance to CSD Academy graduates in their actual work environment. Students will be able to handle work problems with confidence and be ready to face any obstacles in other companies.
Accredited by Ministry of Human Resources
CSD Academy is an interior design NDTS training institute that has been authorised by the Malaysian Ministry of Human Resources to provide vocational skills curriculum and Interior Design Technology for over 13 years.
Award-Winning Academy
GULL American University bestows the Best Center Award and the Center of Excellence Award on our academy for outstanding performance and high-quality teaching method.
Achievements are recognised by Ministry of Human Resources
CSD Academy was recognised by the Department of Skills Development (JPK) from Ministry of Human Resources of the Malaysian Government as a powerful academy, and we were invited to be published in the JPK magazine of the Ministry of Human Resources of the Malaysian Government in 2019. We are the only interior design academy among the five major brands invited to publish in JPK Magazine 2019 in Kuala Lumpur.